
Large Architectural Plans/Blue Print Copies
We print from Hard Copies or Digital Files or you can up load large file to our secure FTP site and we will print .Size Reductions or Enlargements are done as you wish. We will Edge Bind the sets to suite binding requirements and deliver to multi destinations. We provide CAD Plotting of color Line Drawings or full color copies to suite your needs. Customers can be placed orders from our website's On Line Work Order Form submitting with attachments containing digital files.

Small Format Specification Book Print Copies
High Speed Black & White 8.5''x11'' Specification Books/Manuals will be printed with or without Color /folded 11'' x17''inserts from hard copies or digital files and bound with Spiral, Chicago Screw Post Binding etc. Color Card Stock covers are provided upon request. Most Customer options/choices are available to place orders from our website's On Line Order Form submitting with attachments containing digital files.

Digital Color or Black & White Publishing
We will scan and convert files/drawings from TIFF /DWF to pdfs and burn CDs or DVDs. Individual File renaming can be done upon request for a higher charge per sheet. Old Architectural Drawing Stick Sets can be scanned and archived to pdfs and saved on CDs for posterity or easy reference for renovations,restorations, etc.

On Line Document Management
We provide our user friendly ReproMax tool/software especially designed to manage and effectively communicate with the team.Our customers can view and print drawings from any location. Secure Password and under one Username per project will be made available once an account is opened and drawings are scanned and up loaded to the site. Drawings can be up loaded as often as you wish and build your most current sets. Free demonstrations will be made available in addition to one on one training for those who are not familiar with this system of On Line File management system as there are many such systems in the industry.

Pick Up & Delivery
We respond to calls to pick up originals from any location and deliver copies to multiple destinations/split deliveries .We have a pickup and delivery Guarantee. If we delay, we do not Charge you. We will use Fedex,UPS ,DHL or USPS as the case may be for out of the City and State deliveries.